Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Should I add uplighting?

To uplight or not to uplight, that is the question.

The purpose of uplighting is to give you “Total” control of your atmosphere. The least uplighting can do is add an amazing punch of color and highlight otherwise dull flat walls.

Uplighting is not required, much like basic dance lights, scanners, moving heads are not required. The questions listed below may help you in making your decision on whether to add uplighting or not.

  • Do you have unique or bright color choices that are not commonly available?
  • Do you prefer to be able to change the decor throughout the night, having one color for dinner and another for dancing?
  • Do you have a venue that appears a bit bland and seems to be missing a stylist touch?
  • Do you want to highlight certain areas of your even, head table, buffet?
  • Does your venue use florescent lighting?
  • Does your venue lack dimming functionality with lighting?
  • Do you want an ambiance like no other?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then uplighting might be a cost effective solution.

Cost can be a major factor in the decision making process. The cost of fixtures, size of the venue and time it will take to program specific needs will affect the overall cost. If your budget is tight, this might not be the best option.

Uplighting should not be considered the “Must Have,” but rather a great addition. Consultation with an expert will help you in the decision making process. Visiting the room with Mr. K and critiquing the venue might help to give you a better idea of what uplighting can do for your day. If the room looks elegant and is equipped with dimming fixtures and effects, then minimal or no uplighting is needed. On the other hand, if the room has plan white walls and limited options of lighting, uplighting can completely rejuvenate this room.

The bottom line is, this is your day. You should invest in this once in a lifetime opportunity to make it as memorable as possible. Do solicit options from multiple sources. One company may be biased, but speaking with many will give you a better feel of what’s available.